Rosehip Makeup Remover

The oil will remove all the impurities of the skin and when you wash it of with a damp towel you will feel your face refreshed and clean.

Organic & Pure

This makeup remover can be used on even the most stubbern waterproof mascara.

Shea Oil

The makeup remover is made with only two different oils, Rosehip Oil and Shea Oil . Enjoy.

Cocoa Butter Coffee Scrub

These Cocoa Butter Coffee Scrub Cubes are easy to make and they smell so delicious, you could almost eat them! The coffee grounds and the moisturizing oils will leave your skin so silky and smooth.
Unrefined Cocoa Butter 0
Coconut Oil 0
Coconut Sugar 0
Coffee Grounds 0

Whipped Mango Butter Recipe

This recipe is a bit advanced, since we have six different ingredients. But it is still super easy to make and it will give you a colorful body butter, that can be used on all skin types and both for daily moisture on regular skin or to nourish tired or dry skin. And since everything is completely natural, you can even use this body butter on babies. Enjoy.

Shea Cleansing Oil

This Shea Cleansing oil consists of only two different oils. The oil can be used for cleansing and moisturizing the skin – at the same time. It might feel weird to put an oil on a face that needs to be cleaned – but trust us. This will do wonders for your skin – and help rebuild the natural barrier of the skin. Enjoy.

Argan Hair Spritz

This Argan Hair spritz can be used on regular and dry hair – to give it a boost whenever it seems tired and dry during the day. The oil will repair dry and damaged hair and prevent split ends. Enjoy.